Fall is certainly upon us, isn’t it? I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. I just finished picking more peppers from my garden but sadly, with the recent frost, I’m sure it is my last despite the warm daytime temperatures. We have a full newsletter for you this month, so without further delay…
Trivia Night

It was a terrific, fun night with quizmaster David Keech of Deep River questioning us on a broad selection of subjects. Most notable question of the evening was a song that apparently EVERYONE knew. They all hummed along and, in unison, sang out the answer.

The first-place winners were the library ladies who took home a $150 gift certificate for Richie’s Nurseries.
Congratulations to the winners! And thank you to all who came out and participated! Also, a big thank you to volunteers Connor Whitman, Jacob Blair, and Kelly Silke for sitting this one out and doing the marking.
Garden Clean-Up

Library and Accessibility Garden

In collaboration with the library, we have begun preparations for an accessibility garden at our Community Garden space. Jack van Gemeren, the garden coordinator, has made significant headway with the help of Greg Whitman, on the development of an area for those with accessibility needs, so they too can “dig into the dirt”. Here you see the wheelchair accessible path being placed and to the left, is the area where raised beds will be available for those members in need. Contact the library for more information about the option to share this space.
Fall Plant Sale
We had a plant sale in September and for the second year, much effort was put into it but with little return, so it was decided that we would not do a fall plant sale in the future. The spring plant sales however, are a raging success and will most certainly continue each year.
Showcase in Spring
The showcase, once an inexpensive venue for us to get our name out there and obtain memberships, is not so anymore. We will be doing it again next year (April 2025) however it is unlikely we will continue with this after 2025 as it is deemed to be far too expensive for what we get in return memberships and marketing of the Society.
Facebook Rationalization
Until recently, we maintained both a Facebook page and a group on Facebook. Unfortunately, this led to some confusion and people missing out on opportunities if items were not posted to both. For that reason, we are downsizing to only the page and will be archiving the group.
October 21st – Monthly Meeting and Speaker
We welcome guest speaker Gerrie Baker from The Worm Factory who will speak to us about Vermiculture (a method of doing composting using worms to break down organic waste into usable compost). She will have some kits available to purchase at the event. We hope to see you there!
Also, as mentioned earlier, the delicious grape jelly that is selling like hotcakes! will be available as well. Don’t miss out!

October 26th – D2 Fall Advisory
Delegates from each of the societies in District 2 will converge on Petawawa for a day where they will report on the past year’s finances, sources of income for D2, executive elections, and discuss events and activities of the past year. Our delegates are Audrey Gravelle and Lois O’Brien. They are requesting assistance from our membership to greet delegates, prepare coffee and snacks, and provide general help with setting up. If you are able to help, please let us know at
November 18th – PHS Annual General Meeting
Positions on the Board Needing to be Filled
A description drawn directly from our constitution provides, in general, the duties of the position. If you would like to fill one of these roles but cannot make it to the AGM, please let us know via email at .
President | The President of the Society shall be responsible for, The general management and direction of the business and affairs of the Association; Performing duties incident to the office and those prescribed from time to time by the other Officers and the Board of Directors; The President shall be a de facto member of all Committees; and The President or designate shall preside at all meetings of the Officers and Board of Directors, and meetings of members. |
Vice President | The Vice-President of the Society shall: Assume the duties of the President in their absence; and Other duties as assigned |
Secretary | The Secretary of the Society shall: Keep true minutes of all meetings. Keep a record of: – all meeting minutes of the Society; – all correspondence of the Society; – all resolutions passed by the Society; – all amendments to the Constitution; – a list of members of the society and their addresses; – a list of the names and addresses to whom prize money is paid and the amount paid to each; – all Committee reports that may from time to time be appointed by the Society; and – all annual financial statements and auditors’ reports. |
Members-at-Large and Committee Roles: | These are no roles defined in the constitution but this is the list of roles needed membership coordinator – canvas for members and maintain a detailed list of their information writer/author for the website and newsletter – maintain a list of events on the website, update site with new content, provide a monthly informative newsletter social media coordinator – maintain our Facebook and Instagram presence and also assist with other marketing of the Society Event coordinator – with the help of other volunteers, coordinate and keep the momentum going on the planning and implementation of events and activities within the society |
Constitution Changes
There are some minor constitution changes to be made that are required by the OHA. These points will be addressed during the meeting. Before the AGM we will make the proposed changes available to the membership, so we can quickly dispatch this activity during the AGM.
Watch your email for a copy of the agenda and proposed constitution changes.
December 9th – Holiday Celebration
Come join us for the holiday event of the year with a delicious dinner at the Legion on December 9th (6PM – 9PM) and celebrate with your Society members and volunteers. I know from experience, that the food is delicious!
Don’t forget, November 1st is the beginning of the new year for the Petawawa Horticultural Society, so be sure to get your membership into us. We accept cash, e-transfer and at any event, debit or credit .