Archives: <span>Events</span>

Spring Plant Sale – Container Market

Petawawa Container Market Volunteer Way / Civic Center Rd, Petawawa, Ontario, Canada

Got plants? Want plants? Rain or shine, come see us for a great selection of plants and friendly, knowledgeable advice at the Petawawa Horticultural Society spring plant sale. If you have plants you are dividing this spring, we will happily take donations for the sale.

Spring Plant Sale – Heritage Village (tentative)

Heritage Village 176 Civic Centre Rd, Petawawa, ON, Petawawa, Ontario, Canada

Got plants? Want plants? Rain or shine, come see us for a great selection of plants and friendly, knowledgeable advice at the Petawawa Horticultural Society spring plant sale - heritage edition. If you have plants you are dividing this spring, we will happily take donations for the sale.

Membership Renewal

To ensure you continue to enjoy all the benefits the PHS has to offer and are able to partake in the activities, please submit the form from the 'JOIN' menu item with full information just in case your interests have changed.

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